
COVID-19 and Temporary Visa holders

COVID-19 and Temporary Visa holders

The Federal Government has enabled international students who fall on financial hardship caused by COVID-19 to access their superannuation accrued while working in… Read more

Community Food Services

Community Food Services

The Sunshine Coast offers community members a range of food services during the COVID-19 crisis. These are open to anyone… Read more

Please stay home

Please stay home

Sunshine Coast residents are being asked to stay home and only go out for the four reasons outlined by the… Read more

Telco relief

Telco relief

For students struggling to pay their phone bills given the current COVID-19 environment, there was welcome news from some of… Read more

Student Accommodation

Student Accommodation

It was welcome news earlier this week with the National Cabinet agreeing to a moratorium on evictions over the next… Read more

In this together

In this together

At this critical time, we are all feeling isolated and lonely. Restrictions on interactions make it even tougher for our… Read more