University is a new experience to many students especially those in their first year, it can be a very stressful time if you don’t prepare for the journey ahead of you. Bellow I can share a few tips on how to be prepared for a new semester.
Tip 1 Plan: – Before the semester starts you need to sit down and come up with a rough plan of your semester ahead of you. Write down the things you wish to improve on as well as achieve during the semester. This will be our guide throughout the semester, more like a compass for a plane during a flight. Make sure you tick off your achievements when you complete them.
Tip 2 Make a timetable: – Now that you have a plan you need to come up with a time table for studying which complements your official timetable. This will help you do a pre study for the lecture you will attend during the day or the following day. Or attempt your tutorial questions before you attend the tutorial. Towards the end of the semester you also need to draw up a study time table for the exams giving more time to those subjects that have proved to be challenging during the semester.
Tip 3 study groups: – It is often quite hard to understand every detail of the lecture when doing self-study. However, some colleagues of yours might have paid more attention to the parts you missed, and so, you can all help to fill in each other’s gaps. And in my experience, the best way to really learn and understand something is through explaining it to others.
Lastly, remember to have free time to relax, play and explore life at university, knowing that having fun is part of university life.
“All work and no play doesn’t just make Jill and Jack dull, it kills the potential of discovery, mastery, and openness to change and flexibility and it hinders innovation and invention.” – Joline Godfrey
by Elvis Musandu – Study Sunshine Coast Student Ambassador