Over 350 students have participated in the Study Sunshine Coast Employability Program over the past 12 months.
The co-funded program between Study Queensland and Study Sunshine Coast aimed to give both international and domestic students studying here on the Sunshine Coast a competitive edge when starting their career and entering the workforce.
Highlights of the Student Employability Program included a series of eight free career workshops focused on career planning and resume and cover letter writing. Topics covered also included job applications and leadership skills, understanding the Sunshine Coast and Australian work culture and the importance of LinkedIn and personal brand development.
As part of the Employability Program, Sunshine Coast was the first region in Queensland to offer students the opportunity to participate in the Project Global Citizen Scholarship Program (PGC). Thirty five students were accepted in the 8-week cultural competency accelerator program for students seeking to develop their Cultural Intelligence for studying, living and working across cultures as global citizens. Students received a micro credential on completion of course at the Graduation Ceremony held in May 2020.
The Employability Program was designed based on key insights and trends including feedback from local education providers and students. To learn more about the free Student Employability Program, watch the following video outlining explaining the program and key achievements.
Study Sunshine Coast (SSC) is the official study cluster for the Sunshine Coast region and is supported by foundation partners, Education Sunshine Coast and Sunshine Coast Council. SSC plays an important role in marketing and positioning the Sunshine Coast as a leading Australian study destination for both domestic and international students and the visitation they contribute to and support. Study Sunshine Coast works closely with education providers, industry and tourism operators to promote the region. Learn more about the SSC Industry Membership Program.
SSC was awarded funding by Study Queensland through the International Education and Training fund to run a 12-month Employability Program. The program was co-funded with SSC.
This project, in line with the International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026, aimed to enhance the student experience to ensure it is positive and rewarding by providing students with a range of opportunities to increase their employability and successfully transition to employment either during or post study.
Research indicates that students are highly motivated by the student experience and are seeking educational and employability opportunities that provide a point of differentiation in a very competitive job market.
Phase 1 – Talent Essentials
- Developed to give both international and domestic students studying here on the Sunshine Coast a competitive edge when starting their career and entering the workforce.
- A series of eight free workshops offered to Sunshine Coast students to attend. Workshops focused on career planning and resume and cover letter writing.
- Topics covered also included job applications and leadership skills, understanding the Sunshine Coast and Australian work culture and the importance of LinkedIn and personal brand development.
- Over 350 students attending the eight career workshops.
Phase 2 – Cultural Competency Global Mindset Scholarship Program
- Cultural Competency Global Mindset is a cultural competency accelerator program. It is a premium personal and professional development course for students seeking to develop their Cultural Intelligence for studying, living and working across cultures as global citizens.
- Sunshine Coast was the first region in Queensland to offer the program.
- Thirty five Sunshine Coast students participated in the 8-week course as part of the Student Employability Program.
- Students received a micro credential on completion of course at the Graduation Ceremony held in May 2020.
Phase 3 – Industry and Student Engagement
- Developed to connect local industry with student talent as well as connect industry with local education providers
- Sunshine Coast was the first region in Queensland to offer the program.
- Sunshine Coast Chambers Industry Breakfast
- Study Sunshine Coast and Sunshine Coast to host two tables of students at event
- Private event post official breakfast connecting Industry with student talent
Additional activities:
- Employability Roundtable hosted by SSC and SQ in October 2019 with Nannette Ripmeester as guest speaker. SSC Industry Members attended the roundtable event.
- Study Sunshine Coast hosted two AusID Global psychometric workshops in March for TAFE Queensland International Ambassadors and USCi Ambassadors to attend.
- Online resources provided to Students via the SSC Employability web portal. Learn more.
What is Employability
Early this year, Study Queensland released a Cookbook for Employability. The insights report highlights employability trends, provides leading employability practices and anticipates opportunities for enhancing employability in Queensland for international students.
The report finds that graduate employability is not ‘just’ about the job upon graduation. As Dr Dino Willox, Director Employability at the University of Queensland said; “Employment is not employability. Employability is a broader term for a combination of discipline specific knowledge, transferable skills, and experience and attitudes that makes you more employable.”
The report uses the following definition of employability: “Evaluating the concept of employability needs a holistic approach that takes into consideration both personal and external factors. In short, employability is more than just a job that makes good money in a students’ early career days. It is about maximizing the talents of each student and preparing students for the world that awaits them upon graduation – this is what (ideally) employability refers to.”
“Employment is not employability. Employability is a broader term for a combination of discipline specific knowledge, attributes, experiences, and attitudes that makes you more employable.”
Nannette Ripmeester
The report recommends the skills current students need in order to flourish in global interconnected world:
- Leadership skills
- Creative and analytical skills
- Global awareness and civic education
- Digital and technical skills
- Interdisciplinary skills
Click here to find out more about the free Student Employability and Industry Engagement Program events, services and workshops.