Writers, readers and creatives will share their love of books and immerse themselves in the region’s passionate writing community at this month’s inaugural Sunshine Coast Storytellers’ Festival
Hosted by Sunshine Coast Libraries on Tuesday August 30, 2022, the Festival is the Coast’s largest combined book launch.
Join local author, journalist and festival MC Mary-Lou Stephens as Sunshine Coast Libraries shines the spotlight on local literary wordsmiths.
The new event is part of the 2022 Horizon Festival (August 26-September 4) and provides an insight into the latest from the world of publishing.
Discover new books, networks and participate in discussions and workshops with more than 25 local emerging and successful authors.
Sunshine Coast Council Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said the Storytellers’ Festivalwould showcase the region’s wealth of exceptional literary talent.
“This is an event for lovers of the written and spoken word,” Cr Law said.
“Held at Beerwah Library, we are proud to host the event; a gift for local literary creatives.
“There are a range of workshops for those interested in publishing their work, learning how to maximise your book’s potential, crime writing essentials, illustration masterclass, writing children’s books and so much more.
“If you have ever thought about writing your first book, don’t know how to get it out there, are experiencing writer’s block and seeking inspiration, or just appreciate a good read, now is the time to connect and immerse yourself in our passionate writing community.”
The one day only Storytellers’ Festival includes free and ticketed events.
Tickets are now available to the nine inspiring workshops which are part of the Storytellers’ Festival.
Event | Time | Cost |
Authors’ Marketplace | 2 – 7.30pm | FREE |
Indie Self-Publishing | 1.30 – 2.30pm | $15 |
Traditional Publishing and Distribution | 1.30 – 2.30pm | $15 |
Maximising Your Book’s Potential | 1.45 – 2.45pm | $15 |
Writing Memoirs | 2.45 – 3.45pm | $15 |
Crime Writing Essentials | 2.45 – 3.45pm | $15 |
The Writer’s Craft | 3 – 4pm | $15 |
Career Illustration | 4.15 – 5.15pm | $15 |
Demystifying Poetry | 4.15 – 5.15pm | $15 |
Writing Children’s Books | 4.30 – 5.30pm | $15 |
Local Author spotlights with MC Mary-Lou Stephens | 5.30 – 7.30pm | FREE |
Stay tuned to the Libraries or Horizon Festival websites for event updates including workshops, local author features, festival stalls, event times and more.
To find out more visit library.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/StorytellersFestival