The Sunshine Coast recently hosted a group of International Education Agents showcasing the breadth of education, tourism and industry opportunities here in our thriving region. The three-day event was hosted by Tourism and Events Queensland, Study Sunshine Coast and Visit Sunshine Coast.
The international delegates from a mix of countries including Germany, China, France, South America, Thailand and Nepal, visited a number of the Coast’s leading tourism destinations including Australia Zoo, Tree Tops Challenge and enjoyed a cultural tour on Saltwater Eco Tours.
Mayor Mark Jamieson welcomed the delegates at the official Welcome Lunch and Tourism Showcase event at the Docks in Mooloolaba. “It is our absolute pleasure to host these international delegates from around the world here in our region this week.”
“The Sunshine Coast has become a world-class destination where students from around the globe come to study, collaborate, excel and, of course, balance this with a regular surf or swim at our beautiful beaches.”
“Our region is proud to provide, among our stunning natural assets and welcoming lifestyle, the home, work and learning environment to nurture the leaders of tomorrow. Right here is where students can continue their education and experience something that is not available elsewhere,” Mayor Mark Jamieson said.
The delegates spent time at our region’s leading education institutions to better understand the world-class education students can receive here, the breadth of courses on offer, the work opportunities plus the lifestyle students can receive here. The delegates visited University of the Sunshine Coast, TAFE Queensland, Sunshine Coast Health Institute, the International College of Queensland, Demi International, Chancellor State College and Union Institute of Language during their visit.
A highlight of the tour was visiting the new Maroochydore CBD to witness firsthand the new infrastructure and development happening on the Sunshine Coast. The Sunshine Coast continues to enhance learning experiences with cutting edge thinking and offerings, including:
- A world class educational community including the University of the Sunshine Coast, TAFE Queensland, Demi International, Union Institute of Language – many in the room with us here today
- The fastest international data and telecommunications connection point from Queensland and Eastern Australia to Asia via the Sunshine Coast International Broadband Network
- A new city centre in Maroochydore providing a vibrant hub of commerce, technology, innovation, entertainment and living opportunities
- Travel connectivity from the Sunshine Coast Airport
- A Health Precinct which is anchored by a tertiary teaching hospital, including a renowned Health Institute and medical school
- One of the most progressive sustainability agendas by a local government in Australia to assist the region respond to and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate
- International recognition by officially joining UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves of which there are only 5 in Australia
- A world class tourism destination for domestic and international visitors to enjoy
- And the exciting opportunity of having been named as a Key Delivery Partner for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
“While we recognise all our region has to offer, we also acknowledge and appreciate the significant contribution that international education, students and visitors bring to our region, including our local economy,” Mayor Mark Jamieson said.