Sunshine Coast Council’s Professional Advice Support Program offers up to one-hour of free Legal, HR or Accountancy support for businesses that have been critically impacted by COVID-19. Access to the program is subject to applicant eligibility and the availability of council resources.
The professional advice support program is funded by council and provides businesses with up to one hour of free advice in the following categories:
- accounting and insolvency
- human resources
- legal services.
How to access
- Fill out the expression of interest form.
- The application will be assessed and you will be contacted within 48-hours.
- The consultation will take place via phone or video conference.
Access to the program is subject to applicant eligibility and the availability of council resources.
To be eligible for the program, businesses must:
- be located within the Sunshine Coast Council Local Government Area
- have an active Australian Business Number (ABN)
- employ between 0-19 staff
- have an annual turnover of less than $5 million
- have no access to professional advice
- be in need of immediate critical support.
Become a supplier for the Professional Advice Support program
If you are interested in offering professional advice support as part of the program complete the expression of interest form.
To be eligible as a provider you must:
- have at least one office located in the Sunshine Coast Local Government Area
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be up to date with information on all Federal and State stimulus and relief packages available to businesses
- be accredited and have all valid and current licenses required to conduct business with in your profession
- be able to show a focus on servicing small business
- be able to provide a weekly dot point update to council on number of consultations and any high level trends/issues. (We of course won’t ask you to discuss any specific confidential client information with us)
- be able to invoice in 6 or 15 minute increments
- perform the service at a fixed hourly rate as nominated by council in advance
- have appropriate experience.
For more information email businessdevelopment@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.