The Sunshine Coast’s tourism industry is getting ready to SHINE with a new turbocharged training program.
Launched by Visit Sunshine Coast (VSC) with Olympic Champion Duncan Armstrong and attended by over 100 tourism businesses, SHINE offers a tailored approach to training.
In the largest tourism program ever created by VSC, they will work with operators to enhance the experiences delivered to our visitors.
SHINE will prepare tourism businesses in understanding customer needs and service, becoming digital savvy in delivering exceptional online experiences, social media, online bookings, branding and latest travel trends.
VSC Head of Industry and Trade Development Andrew Fairbairn said we want to build on Sunshine Coast tourism assets and support our businesses to deliver the goods and SHINE.
“We know the world of travel has changed dramatically over the past three years, requiring a dynamic new approach to delivering experiences.
“Travellers want encounters that engage, inspire and re-energise them. We call these experiences Sunshine Moments and through them we can SHINE as a destination.
“SHINE sets us on a pathway to deliver Sunshine Moments to our visitors and get ready to SHINE on a global stage at the Olympics,” added Mr Fairbairn.
The program is based on a model developed by Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) that has been customised for the Sunshine Coast.
Amaze World owner Adam Cheshire said the SHINE program offers a new approach to tourism training to remain competitive and deliver the best experience for visitors.
“The Visit Sunshine Coast SHINE program will allow us to take our customer service up a notch, better understand the latest travel trends, become more digital savvy and develop branding strategies for our business,” he said.
“We completed the TEQ program and really resonated with the structure and loved the opportunity it provided to look at our business and how we fit within greater Queensland.
“SHINE will further customise the TEQ program to be relevant for Sunshine Coast tourism businesses,” added Mr Cheshire.
The SHINE training program will be delivered via workshops and online and we invite all interested tourism businesses to jump onboard. Email members@visitsunshinecoast.com
SHINE has been made possible with the support of the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland.